Wild Horse Roundup
"The Path Forward" is a plan that calls for the near eradication of wild horses and burros from public lands to benefit commercial livestock companies that graze their stock on public lands at taxpayer expense, and want our wild horses removed as competition for forage on federally designated wild horse habitat.
National humane groups (HSUS, ASPCA, and Return to Freedom) all conspired with the meat industry and other anti-horse interests to create this plan and supported with Bureau of Land Management's (BLM), false narratives that there is an overpopulation of wild horses, and the "necessity" of roundups due to limited food and water. However, BLM has no problem allowing thousands upon thousands of livestock to graze in the same areas, all while conveniently ignoring the impacts of overgrazing by the commercial livestock industry -- at taxpayer expense.
The Bureau of Land Management plans to round up an additional 6000 wild horses in 2021, using the emergency designation (due to drought) to push full steam ahead without fulfilling its National Environmental Policy Act regulations. Again, livestock will still be allowed to graze in these same areas.
For the stunning horse in the photos, he is an icon located in Sand Wash Basin, Moffit County, Colorado, where people travel from the world over to see the wild horses. Starting next week, this beautiful horse, and hundreds of others, will be chased by helicopter, and be forever separated from his family, consigned to a life in captivity - and possibly even death in a foreign slaughter plant.
If you wish to use your voice to stop this cruel and unnecessary taxpayer funded round up, please contact:
US Senator Michael Bennet:
BLM State Director, Jamie Connell
Little Snake Field Office
Wild Horses belong on our lands and should be left alone, they should not be removed to accommodate the environmentally destructive livestock industry.